Wednesday 19 August 2015


In any building project, there are of course a number of actors with varying roles and capabilities. I imagine that engaging communities will always be central to any production of space that we would pursue. But we also have architects/engineers/planners/building control, local government (and legal frameworks), construction crews and the community. 

In order to understand their roles in the production of space, in particular the community and various institutions, we must engage in meaningful conversation and research.

My journey begins here.

Perhaps we can look at a more realistic challenge and explore and invent questions along the way? Any thoughts?

There is no doubt that such a development requires the participation of all actors, but what are the roles and current capabilities of each? At this stage, the development process is largely experimental but there is no doubt a conscious effort towards participatory design.

Are you readers familiar with the work of Christopher Alexander? His most outstanding work is The Timeless Way of Building. A truly brilliant book that should shake any architect, in particular those who are involved in processes as the community is.
I've attached one of his most celebrated articles titled 'A City is Not a Tree'. Have a look and say what you think. 

We will use this to inform our exploration of the more real-life cases. 

Coming up....
Some themes that may be interesting to explore:
  • The role of the architect/planner in building community 
  • The impact of the built environment on community life

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